Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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The Heirloom of Dayak Land: Liquid Smoke, Earth Peg Cup, and Kawa Tea Efforts to Handle Covid-19 By the Dayak Deah Tribe, Liyu Village, South Kalimantan
Husin Husin, Ridhatullah Assya'bani, Riyan Agus Saputra

Last modified: 2021-03-30


The COVID-19 pandemic that is gripping the world makes people more aware ofhealth and the importance of maintaining body immunity by consuming various herbalingredients that they can find from nature. This research in raising the local wisdom of theDayak Deah tribe in its research procedures uses the type of ethnography research and datacollection techniques with involved observations such as in the collection of traditionalDayak Deah medicinal ingredients and depth interviews with Dayak Deah traditional leadersand government medical personnel assigned to the village Liyu. The results showed that for along time, the Dayak Deah people had used various natural ingredients in their forest areas asmedicinal ingredients which had not been used by other regions and had not even beenconsidered by the medical world. whereas the effect of using the Dayak herb is believed bythe surrounding community as an alternative medicine that has a very high success rate inmaintaining and even treating various diseases. Various materials processed by the DayakDeah tribe which are now also the leading commodities of the local government are liquidsmoke, earth peg cups and kawa tea. The results of this study contribute to the study of publichealth based on local wisdom so that later it is hoped that medical personnel can research itfurther scientifically and measurably

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