Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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The TOEFL Benchmark Policy as Graduation Requirement at Universitas Teuku Umar: Students’ Perspective and Belief
Endah Anisa Rahma, Rina Syafitri

Last modified: 2020-12-19


Having a good English proficiency is undeniable demand in this globalization era.
English proficiency can be measured by English proficiency tests, one of them is TOEFL. TOEFL has become assessment tool to assess English competence and determine exit requirement in higher education. The recent study investigated Universitas Teuku Umar students’ perspective to the implementation of TOEFL benchmark score as graduation requirement. The interview from ten students were analyzed descriptively to know the students’ believe and perception. The results showed that most students agree with the TOEFL benchmark as graduation requirement however they face obstacles in answering the test. From
the interview found that they had difficulties in answering listening and grammar section. This is caused by unfamiliar with foreigner sound and lack of practice. Besides, students felt that the minimum score criteria of TOEFL was not their expectation since most students at Universitas Teuku Umar did not introduce TOEFL from the beginning of study. On the other hand, this policy encourages the students to learn English by searching some materials from internet as well as from the module they got from course. They believe that the TOEFL benchmark policy raises their awareness of learning English and the importance of mastering a foreign language

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