Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Description of Housewife Behavior About the Covid 19 Incidence in the Work Area of the Suka Mulia Community Health Center, Darul Makmur District, Nagan Raya Regency
Jun Musnadi Is, Sufyan Anwar

Last modified: 2020-12-19


The COVID-19 pandemic event is a global outbreak that disrupts the respiratory
system caused by the corona virus, with the most common symptoms of COVID-19 being fever, dry cough and feeling tired. Based on data from the health center, the number of COVID-19 sufferers in 2020 is 1 positive and died. This study was to determine the behavior of housewives regarding the incidence of COVID-19 which was carried out in the work area of the Puskesmas Suka Mulia, Darul Makmur District, Nagan Raya Regency in August 2020 for several informants, analyzed using qualitative methods. So it is known that the level of
knowledge of housewives that is already good is obtained from various media while the attitude is known that not all housewives care about preventing the transmission of COVID-19 and the actions of housewives have not implemented prevention properly according to health protocols because they think that all can contract the disease if it's not healthy. The conclusion is that the
behavior of housewives is still not good because in terms of attitudes and actions that have not been properly implemented according to health protocols, it is recommended that the government be able to supervise housewives in behaving and acting according to health protocols.

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