Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Analysis of PPE Usage and OSH Management Behaviour at PT Mapoli Raya
Susy Sriwahyuni, Fakhrurradhi Luthfi, Enda Silvia Putri, Setya Haksama

Last modified: 2023-04-05


PT Mapoli Raya has 65 workers working in the fertilization section consisting of 61 male workers and 4 female workers. Cases of fertilization workers who experienced symptoms of poisoning contained in 2016 as many as 17 workers, in 2017 as many as 23 workers and in 2018 as many as 13 workers. Knowing the relationship between PPE usage behavior and OSH management with symptoms of chemical fertilizer poisoning in fertilizer workers at PT. Mapoli Raya. Mixed method research with analytic survey type. The population of this research was 551 workers. The sample was determined based on a purposive sampling technique, i.e. sampling was taken as many as 65 fertilization workers and 1 informant. Data collection using questionnaires and documentation. Analysis of research data using chi-square and qualitative tests. Chi-square test results obtained by knowledge (P.Value = 0.043 and Rp = 3.220); attitude (P.Value = 0.010 and RP = 4.398); and actions (P.Value = 0.013 and RP = 4.173), and the results of the qualitative research obtained by PT Mapoli Raya were not implemented in occupational safety and health management because the company experienced financial constraints to implement OSHMS. There is a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes and actions with the symptoms of chemical fertilizer poisoning in fertilizer workers and the implementation of occupational safety and health management in PT Mapoli Raya.

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