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Catch Fisheries Production Supply Chain For Fish Consumption In West Aceh The Hinterland Communities
Y . Zuriat, M. Rizal, M. Ghzali, Sabar Yuliana

Last modified: 2022-03-09


One of the main ingredients in community resilience is fish ,where the high and low level of fish consumption is influenced by the distance to the fish landing center.West Aceh Regency has an inland area with a geographical structure of the area that stretches from the sea to the mountains.Study of fish supply chains to inland areas in Pante Ceremen and Sungai Mas sub-districts with the aim of knowing some levels of supply,types of fish supplied and consumption levels of rural communities.The research method is by surveying with samples of inland communities and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of the analysis show that the fish supply reaches from producers, diluent traders and consumers. The fish supply chain at PPI Ujong Baroh goes to inland areas in the test. Organoleptic including less fresh. The totol supply of fish is 45 muge people using motorbikes and tricyles to Pante Cermen and Sungai Mas sub-districts,and 5 traders who are supplied after 13.00 to 19.00 with an average fish price Rp.316000 per kg. The purchasing power of the community ranges from 1-2 kg per household/week,with a family of 3 to 5 people ,the results of the analysis show that the leve of fish consumption in rural communities is still relatively low.

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