Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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The Effect Of Moisture And Cleanliness Of Clothes On The incidence of dermatophytosis in the fishing community
ihsan murdani, Muhammad iqbal fahlevi, arif iskandar

Last modified: 2021-03-30


Dermatophytosis is a group of fungal diseases of the skin caused by dermatophytefungi. One of the factors that influence fungal disease is the habit of wearing tight or dampclothing. Research of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the incidence of fungalinfections of the skin states 20% of people from all over the world experience skin infectionswith dermatophytosis infections. The prevalence of skin fungal disease in Meukek District,South Aceh Regency is still high (22.06%). This study used a quantitative method with across sectional research design. The population in this study were all male fishermen,amounting to 425 people and taking a sample of 50 people randomly, data analysis using thechi-square test and multiple logistic regression. The purpose of this study was to analyze theeffect of environmental humidity and clothing hygiene on the incidence of dermatophytosisin fishing communities in Meukek District, South Aceh Regency. The results of this researchvariable clothing hygiene have a significant relationship with the incidence ofdermatophytosis. Meanwhile, humidity variable did not have a significant relationship withthe incidence of dermatophytosis. It is recommended to the Meukek District Health Center toincrease information about the incidence of dermatophytosis in order to reducedermatophytosis cases, and periodic skin health checks.

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