Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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The Association of Diabetes Mellitus With The Incidence of Ischemic Stroke For Less Than 45 Years Old People
Arif Iskandar, Muhammad Syukri, darmawan darmawan, Ihsan Murdani, azwar azwar

Last modified: 2021-04-16


Diabetes is caused by complex interaction processes of genetic, environmental andlifestyle factors. Diabetes is also one of the main causes of ischemic stroke. Diabetes andischemic stroke are degenerative diseases that often occur together. This study aimed todetermine the association between diabetes mellitus and the incidence of ischemic stroke forless than 45 years old people. A case-control design was applied in the study. Eighty-sixsubjects were included, 43 cases and 43 control. The cases were all patients diagnosed withischemic stroke, and controls were selected from the same hospital diagnosed with other thanischemic stroke. Samples were collected using consecutive sampling. Results of the analysisusing the chi-square test showed that diabetes mellitus was associated with the incidence ofischemic stroke (P = 0.004; OR= 3.958; 95% CI = 1.535-10.206). This study concluded thatdiabetes mellitus has a higher risk of ischemic stroke 3.958 times than non-diabetes.

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