Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Removing Content of Color and Heavy Metals (Pb) in The Waste Liquid Using Batik Industries Membrane Technology NF 270
Kiswanto Kiswanto, Nur ‘Aini Hamada, Sudarno Sudarno, Hartuti Purnaweni

Last modified: 2020-12-19


The development of the batik industry is one of the triggers for economic growth in Indonesia. However, the batik industry wastewater is a problem for the environment. The batik waste produced is cloudy and thick in color. The dye is produced from the remaining dye, the washing process, and the water rinsing. In general, dyes are nonbiodegredable organic compounds that can cause environmental pollution, especially the aquatic environment. The discharge of colored wastewater not only damages the aesthetics of water bodies but also
poisons aquatic biota. This research was conducted to analyze the level of rejection of color compounds and Pb metal in the processing of batik production waste using NF270 nanofiltration membranes. This research was conducted at operating pressure (4 bar, 5 bar, and 6 bar), with a concentration of batik waste color before filtration of 743.04 Pt-Co and a Pb concentration of 3.015 Mg / L. The results showed that the rejection value of color concentration and heavy metal Pb after filtration using NF270 membrane with operating pressures (4, 5, 6) bar were (99.59%; 99.84%; 99.87%) and respectively. (100%; 100%; 100%). Based on the quality standards of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation No.5 of 2004 and Central Java Regional Regulation No.5 of 2012, the color of batik and Pb metal waste water has met the quality standard. Even the processed batik liquid waste has met the quality standards of clean water and drinking water

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