Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Epidemiology of Maternal Mortality in West Aceh Regency from 2018 to 2019
Sukma Elida, Siti Maisyaroh Fitri Siregar, Enda Silvia Putri

Last modified: 2020-12-19


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of the important targets of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) where MMR is expected to be less than 70 per 100,000 live births in 2030. In 2019, MMR in Aceh Province is one of the highest in Indonesia, with 139 per 100,000 lifes birth. The number of maternal deaths in West Aceh District in 2019 was 8 (eight) cases. This number indicated that the cases increased significantly from the previous year where there were only 3 cases. This study aims to describe epidemiology of maternal mortality in West Aceh regency based on the Health Office track record data of maternal mortality from 2018 to 2019. The methodology of this study was descriptive analytic. The results concluded that most of the mothers who experienced death were ≥35 years old, most of the maternal deaths occurred in pregnancy ≤4, the highest maternal mortality level occurred in Meureubo District, 72% of the mothers were death in hospital and most maternal deaths were caused by post-partum hemorrhage

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