Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2019

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Tourist Support for the Smoke-Free Zone Policy in the Sabang City Tourism Areas
Noor Aznidar Aldani, Aida Khairunisa

Last modified: 2020-12-15


Smoke-free zones are the areas declared prohibited from smoking, producing,
selling, advertising, and/or promoting tobacco products. Smoke-free zones need to be established in order to provide universal protection to the community by ensuring that all public places are free from cigarette exposure. This study aimed to investigate the tourist support on the smoke-free zone policy in the tourist areas of Sabang City. The study used an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach, conducted on 200 tourists in Sabang main tourist areas (Tugu Nol Kilometer, Iboih, Gapang, Pantai Kasih, and Sumur Tiga). The respondents were given questions related on the support and policy of smoke-free zones in
Sabang tourist places. The study found that there was a significant relationship between tourist support for the smoke-free policy and smoking behavior (p = 0.000). In addition, the respondents showed very good opinions on the policy in which most (54.3%) of the nonsmoking respondents stated they strongly agreed that tourist places should be totally smokefree. Also, more than half (58.9%) of them strongly agreed that the local government made a regulation to restrict smoking behavior in tourist places, and 64.3% highly supported the smoke-free policy in Sabang tourist areas. On the other hand, almost half of the smoking
respondents (47.9%) disagreed while some (36.6%) agreed that the tourist areas to be completely smoke-free. Nevertheless, the majority (83.1%) of them still agreed if the local government established a regulation to restrict smoking in tourist areas and 69% of them supported the policy to be applied in Sabang tourist areas. Moreover, many (73.2%) also admitted that they smoked in tourist spots due to the unavailability of smoke-free signs, 88.7% stated they would comply if smoke-free policy were implemented, and 97.2% would still visit the tourist areas even if they were not allowed to smoke there. The smoke-free zone
policy in the tourist areas, together with the tourist support for the bylaw, will be very helpful in making regulations and advocating tourism areas for a complete smoking ban, which will ultimately create Sabang a comfortable tourist destination and most importantly create a healthier Indonesia


Tourist Support; Smoking Behavior; Smoke-Free Zone Policy

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